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Return key in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2020-11-04Updated:2020-11-04
Similar words: turnkeyturn keyreturn journeyreturnin returnreturn toreturneereturnedMeaning: n. the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed. 
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31. Handle the Enter key: Instead of having an Add button, watch for users pressing the Enter or Return key by hooking onto the onkeydown event in the textarea.
More similar words: turnkeyturn keyreturn journeyreturnin returnreturn toreturneereturnedreturnerday returnreturningtax returnreturnablein return fortax returnsreturn pathincome returnreturn codereturn lossreturn visitsales returnreturn on salesnon-returnablereturn ticketreturn on equityrate of returnnonreturnablesale or returnannual returnreturn on assets
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